Prima Movers

About Us

We have been pioneering the industry in Europe for 20 years, and delivering value products within given timeframe, every single time.

We give you control of your shipments

Moovit invest time and expertise to fully understand your business before designing plans to improve your supply chain. We take responsibility for the performance of all our suppliers and for ensuring the availability of resources and equipment needed to control the flow of goods under our charge.


Delivered packages

We strongly support best practice sharing across our operations around the world and across various industrial sectors.


Countries covered

As one of the world’s leading supply chain management companies, we design and implement industry-leading solutions.


Tons of goods

Our commitment to sustainability helps us reduce waste and share the benefits with our customers.


Delivered packages

We strongly support best practice sharing across our operations around the world and across various industrial sectors.


Tons of goods

Our commitment to sustainability helps us reduce waste and share the benefits with our customers.


Countries covered

As one of the world’s leading supply chain management companies, we design and implement industry-leading solutions.


Our Company History

  1. Moovit foundation and creating powerful logistics and transport network

    2010 – In January, named 2009 Employer of the Year by the Develop our regional economic agency; in April, named a Top freight brokerage firm by Transport Topics magazine; and in July, named a 2010 Great Supply Chain Partner by SupplyChainBrain magazine.

  2. Moovit Logistic create department incorporating End-to-end solutions

    In June, named to the SDCE 100 Top Supply Chain Projects list by Supply & Demand Chain Executive magazine. Moovit Logistics becomes an approved third-party logistics provider for international services as as part of the Amazon Solutions Provider Network (SPN).

  3. Moovit Logistic begins offering supply and demand planning

    Moovit purchases EuroAlpha Management, provider of logistic services in Europe, and begins offering supply and demand planning, the foundation from which we built a full range of supply chain integration, and marketing and business analytics services.

  4. Moovit LTD expands logistic network

    Moovit Logistics selected by WeWork, the leading co-working space provider in the world, to oversee all aspects of its global supply chain, including procurement, warehousing, logistics for all of its new and updated office installations. We give you the flexibility to choose the service that best fits your needs.

  5. Restructuring and renovation with creation new logistic departments

    The increasing complexity of the Group requires restructuring to make efficient use of existing synergies. A unique profile is required to strengthen the market presence. To achieve this, the group with its diverse activities must be united internally and externally under a common identity.

  6. Moovit LTD is one of the world's leading logistic providers of supply chain solutions.

    In November, Moovit Logistics acquires Lynx Fulfillment to enhance its growing eCommerce fulfillment business. Global Crown Logistics ends year with $127.3 million in U.S. sales (not including overseas offices), which was nearly 50% greater than the year prior and more than 1000 times greater than its inaugural year-end.y.

Optimizing logistics chain from A to Z to increase your business competitiveness

Air Freight


Ocean Freight


Railway Freight


Logistics Solutions to Help Businesses from End to End

Moovit invest time and expertise to fully understand your business before designing plans to improve your supply chain. We take responsibility for the performance of all our suppliers and for ensuring the availability of resources and equipment needed to control the flow of goods under our charge.

What We Do

From warehousing and handling to packaging and transport and distribution, our expert knowledge of each field of the logistics chain makes our offering unique

Who We Help

Moovit Logistic offers integrated, single source solutions to meet the needs of every type of customer, regardless of size or location.

Why Choose Us

We take responsibility for the performance of all our suppliers and for ensuring the availability of resources and equipment needed to control

What We Do

From warehousing and handling to packaging and transport and distribution, our expert knowledge of each field of the logistics chain makes our offering unique

Why Choose Us

Moovit Logistic offers integrated, single source solutions to meet the needs of every type of customer, regardless of size or location.

Who We Help

We take responsibility for the performance of all our suppliers and for ensuring the availability of resources and equipment needed to control


Here to Help Your Every Business Need

Stop worrying about any shipping problems. Focus on your business. Let us provide the support you deserve.

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